Health & Exercise Monthly update ~ ONE

A few weeks ago I was minding my own business when I went to the bathroom to shower and noticed the landlord had bought a new weight scale. As you do when a scale is watching you, you step on it and see how much pain you can inflict though in the end you feel the pinch and not the weight. So I stepped up onto the scale because it challenged me to and the numbers that appeared kind of shocked me big time. My weight has always fluctuated between 65kilo and 70kilo but this particular saturday evening the scale said EIGHTY (too scared to write the number) kilo. I was really shocked, ok maybe I have kind of maybe just been (90% of the time) more lazy than usual and not burning off anything I am eating but come on it's only been like a year since I last stepped on a scale and I swear I was 70 Kilos then. So I decided to take off all the clothes and check the weight again and yup confirmation received in big letters 78 kilos which is essentially EIGHTY with clothes on but who's counting it's still EIGHTY. This to say the least has woken me up to my atrocious weight gain and I need to change big time. I have identified my problem..laziness..followed by it's first cousin..junk foods. I know my need to lose weight is not going to happen overnight but I can certainly start paving the way for when the weight will start to drop off. I also know that the weight will not drop off all by itself, so I did a bit of research and decided I need the T-25 exercise program with the shakeology to go alongside it. I have also decided to start running again at lunch time during my work week as I did back in the day. I intend to do it slowly, I am not looking for quick results but lasting ones. So let us look closely into the programs I am going to be trying out in April;


I have been reading a bit about this program and also watched a handful of YouTube videos that people who on the program have been sharing. 25 intense minutes doing different types of exercise and burn calories, gain muscle tone and lose weight. I have ordered the complete DVDs and can not wait for them to arrive so I can start the program.


I came across this concept from one of the YouTubers I watch, she kept talking about the shakeology program which came with tips on what means to have on each day and what shakes to have on what day, basically a 30 calendar with meals and shakes to have on each day. Since I do not eat dinner unless I am out with friends I have decided when the shakeology arrives that's what I will use as meal replacement instead of breakfast or lunch. I need brain power to function at work and do not want to interfere with my breakfast.


I am not the greatest runner around but I remember the feeling I got during and after running, once I started it I did enjoy it but I usually needed people to go with me but I have realised this is something I need to start doing alone slowly and maybe one day join a groups I see running.

Meal Planning

Most readers of this blog know I do meal planning every week, I started last year october when I made a decision to stop buying ready meals and ordering takeaway but cook my meals. Granted this year I have ordered dominos twice and thai food once but still I would rather cook than order pizza. Every week I cook a big pot of whatever meat I want and then only change up the sides. Sometimes I will have with salad or rice or pasta or even by itself especially if the meat has potatoes and carrot in it.


Those who know me know I really don't like drinking water, I will drink any flavoured water you give me but I scrunch my nose when it's normal water. I do not know why but ever since we moved to the UK over 10 years ago now I absolutely disliked drinking water and since then I would avoid drinking water at all cost unless it was flavoured, in a juice or other beverage. When I was shopping for running water bottles I came across infuser water bottles and I knew my prayers had been answered. I quickly purchased an infuser bottle on amazon and requested for next day delivery. I has some strawberries and raspberries with me so I decided to bottle my new bottle to the test, let me say after 10-15 minutes of waiting for the water and fruits to infuse it did taste like the fruits though not sweet which is fine. I can now say I actually drink water. The bottle is 800ml so it's quite big and I love it.

Gym wear

Last month when I was visiting Boo we went shopping and he picked me up some nice work-out gear which I am eager to try out next week. The only thing that was missing were trainers and I had wanted trainers that were soft and comfortable and will support me when running of the roads. I picked up some AIR trainers from amazon with next day delivery. When they arrived I quickly put them on and put them to work -just walking not running yet. They are very comfortable and they breath too, I love the colour and how they make my feet feel which is awesome. I can not wait to have a run next week and see how well they work.

I have set myself high expectations but I know it will not be easy to achieve the results I want. So working hard, eating right and staying motivated is the rule.

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::The Myrabev Life::: Health & Exercise Monthly update ~ ONE

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Health & Exercise Monthly update ~ ONE

A few weeks ago I was minding my own business when I went to the bathroom to shower and noticed the landlord had bought a new weight scale. As you do when a scale is watching you, you step on it and see how much pain you can inflict though in the end you feel the pinch and not the weight. So I stepped up onto the scale because it challenged me to and the numbers that appeared kind of shocked me big time. My weight has always fluctuated between 65kilo and 70kilo but this particular saturday evening the scale said EIGHTY (too scared to write the number) kilo. I was really shocked, ok maybe I have kind of maybe just been (90% of the time) more lazy than usual and not burning off anything I am eating but come on it's only been like a year since I last stepped on a scale and I swear I was 70 Kilos then. So I decided to take off all the clothes and check the weight again and yup confirmation received in big letters 78 kilos which is essentially EIGHTY with clothes on but who's counting it's still EIGHTY. This to say the least has woken me up to my atrocious weight gain and I need to change big time. I have identified my problem..laziness..followed by it's first cousin..junk foods. I know my need to lose weight is not going to happen overnight but I can certainly start paving the way for when the weight will start to drop off. I also know that the weight will not drop off all by itself, so I did a bit of research and decided I need the T-25 exercise program with the shakeology to go alongside it. I have also decided to start running again at lunch time during my work week as I did back in the day. I intend to do it slowly, I am not looking for quick results but lasting ones. So let us look closely into the programs I am going to be trying out in April;


I have been reading a bit about this program and also watched a handful of YouTube videos that people who on the program have been sharing. 25 intense minutes doing different types of exercise and burn calories, gain muscle tone and lose weight. I have ordered the complete DVDs and can not wait for them to arrive so I can start the program.


I came across this concept from one of the YouTubers I watch, she kept talking about the shakeology program which came with tips on what means to have on each day and what shakes to have on what day, basically a 30 calendar with meals and shakes to have on each day. Since I do not eat dinner unless I am out with friends I have decided when the shakeology arrives that's what I will use as meal replacement instead of breakfast or lunch. I need brain power to function at work and do not want to interfere with my breakfast.


I am not the greatest runner around but I remember the feeling I got during and after running, once I started it I did enjoy it but I usually needed people to go with me but I have realised this is something I need to start doing alone slowly and maybe one day join a groups I see running.

Meal Planning

Most readers of this blog know I do meal planning every week, I started last year october when I made a decision to stop buying ready meals and ordering takeaway but cook my meals. Granted this year I have ordered dominos twice and thai food once but still I would rather cook than order pizza. Every week I cook a big pot of whatever meat I want and then only change up the sides. Sometimes I will have with salad or rice or pasta or even by itself especially if the meat has potatoes and carrot in it.


Those who know me know I really don't like drinking water, I will drink any flavoured water you give me but I scrunch my nose when it's normal water. I do not know why but ever since we moved to the UK over 10 years ago now I absolutely disliked drinking water and since then I would avoid drinking water at all cost unless it was flavoured, in a juice or other beverage. When I was shopping for running water bottles I came across infuser water bottles and I knew my prayers had been answered. I quickly purchased an infuser bottle on amazon and requested for next day delivery. I has some strawberries and raspberries with me so I decided to bottle my new bottle to the test, let me say after 10-15 minutes of waiting for the water and fruits to infuse it did taste like the fruits though not sweet which is fine. I can now say I actually drink water. The bottle is 800ml so it's quite big and I love it.

Gym wear

Last month when I was visiting Boo we went shopping and he picked me up some nice work-out gear which I am eager to try out next week. The only thing that was missing were trainers and I had wanted trainers that were soft and comfortable and will support me when running of the roads. I picked up some AIR trainers from amazon with next day delivery. When they arrived I quickly put them on and put them to work -just walking not running yet. They are very comfortable and they breath too, I love the colour and how they make my feet feel which is awesome. I can not wait to have a run next week and see how well they work.

I have set myself high expectations but I know it will not be easy to achieve the results I want. So working hard, eating right and staying motivated is the rule.

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At 28 March 2015 at 15:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

I need to work better on keeping my body hydrated. I've used Shakeology shakes before, but I've discovered one I like much better at GNC. OK, you've convinced me to go excercise now..I'm kinda scared to get on the scale. LOL

At 28 March 2015 at 15:37 , Blogger MAPLELEOPARD said...

Love those tenny's , thanks for sharing this inspirational post! I've never heard of shakeology shakes either, I should check them out!

Running I love too!
Happy Blogging and best to you!


At 28 March 2015 at 15:49 , Blogger Bianca Lively said...

These are all amazing tips on being healthy. Just stay positive and you can get to where you want to be. :)

At 28 March 2015 at 16:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

These are great tips - I have one of those water bottles and it is a life saver!

At 28 March 2015 at 18:33 , Blogger Alicia Snow said...

I'm not always the best at working out, but since being pregnant, I have been keeping hydrated and it makes a world of difference!

At 29 March 2015 at 00:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm terrible with workouts, but I love those shoes!

At 30 March 2015 at 07:18 , Blogger spiffykerms said...

Glad you're getting in the groove and finding what you like. Sometimes it's hard, especially when you don't know what sort of exercises you like, right? I'm a huge fan of yoga and bouldering/rock climbing - but I also tend to run a few times a week with my husband. It's free, but sometimes I have to say - I dread it! I'm not the biggest fan of running :) BUt I do it because I want to excerise WITH him (he doesn't yoga/climb :))

At 30 March 2015 at 08:59 , Blogger saki20 said...

I know about the fluctuating weight.. SIGH...

I find myself doing and eating things i shouldn't be and think ok i will stop. then it happens over and over then the scale comes and its like whoa.. it sure puts things into perspective eh?

I love the plan you have set out and can't wait to see your results along the way

At 30 March 2015 at 10:16 , Anonymous brook said...

Oh weight universal... i am at home from soem.months bscause i finished my my routin get so much changed and i am.getting more and more weighr.i will also try this 25 minut work out.i hope it can be usefull for me too

At 30 March 2015 at 13:32 , Blogger Fiona said...

I know all about weight going up and down, sadly mine just seems to go up, up, up! Good on your for trying to make a change though. The shakeology programme sounds good and sounds like it'd be easy to stick too aswell. Your new runnings are so pretty, love the colours!

At 30 March 2015 at 19:20 , Blogger Stockpiling Mom said...

These are great tips for health and wellness. I personally struggle with my weight so I can relate.

At 31 March 2015 at 02:59 , Blogger Amanda said...

I always enjoy reading about what weight loss programs worked for people. I have found that meal planning is great for our family not just because it keeps us eating healthy, but it also keeps us on track financially---no crazy grocery store shopping whims! And you are so incredibly right on the importance of hydration--and it keep my skin looking great, too!


At 31 March 2015 at 03:03 , Blogger Holly said...

I started couch 2 5k seven weeks ago and it really works. I just ran 25 minutes straight and if you would've asked me when I started this if I thought I would be able to do that, I would've just laughed and said hopefully. Good luck with your fitness goals!

At 31 March 2015 at 06:00 , Blogger Jenny @cookeatgo said...

Sounds like a great month!! You need a fitbit those are so motivating for moving around more and getting in more activity!! The challenges amongst friends is great encouragement.

At 31 March 2015 at 17:51 , Anonymous Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle said...

I feel your pain. I'm a human yo yo in the hands of champion yo yoer. =( It's always difficult to keep the weight in check with so many things going on in our lives. I think the most important thing is that we always keep trying.

At 31 March 2015 at 18:30 , Blogger Yona Williams said...

I swear, a new pair of sneakers really gets me in the mood to exercise. I love getting colorful ones. I am trying to work on drinking more water; it's hard! I am not a runner or a jogger, but I am a bike rider and cannot wait for the snow to melt so we can hit the pavement. I love the feeling of the wind hitting my face, and that freeing feeling of soaring from point A to point B.

At 1 April 2015 at 02:49 , Anonymous Adanna said...

I completely feel you! I having the same struggles. The winter comes and I from being in shape to having a muffin top. When? how? I love that you're taking action though.

At 3 April 2015 at 09:43 , Blogger Fiona Abbey said...

I feel your pain. I need to get started on something like this and you've given me some great ideas. I love cucumber infused water - it's really fresh and not sweet which I don't like either. Hope it goes well for you and that you reach your goals.


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